

Audio playback in cerlib is designed to be simple and easy to use while providing features that most 2D games would be satisfied with.

cerlib doesn’t provide any DAW experience or full-featured mixing capabilities. Its audio engine is an optional part; you don’t have to use any of cerlib’s audio capabilities.

This is so that you’re able to choose an audio engine of your choice, such as FMOD or Wwise. Those are full-fledged audio engines and frameworks that allow you to pretty much control any aspect of your game’s audio.

The initial version of cerlib’s audio API is rudimentary. Many more features are planned and will be available in upcoming releases.

Let’s go over what’s currently available.

Loading sounds

The first thing we have to do is add a sound file to our assets folder. I’m just going to take the GemCollected.wav file from cerlib’s folder. It’s located in <cerlib>/applications/platformer/assets/sounds/GemCollected.wav.

Then what we have to do is add a cer::Sound variable to our game and load it in the load_content method:

class MyGame : public cer::Game
  // ...
  void load_content() override
    sound = cer::load_sound("GemCollected.wav");
  // ...
  cer::Sound sound;

Playing sounds

Add a simple key press check in the Update method and play the sound if the space bar is pressed:

bool update(const cer::GameTime& time) override
  if (cer::was_key_just_pressed(cer::Key::Space))
  return true;

You should now be able to hear the sound play whenever you press the space bar. The cer::play_sound_fire_and_forget offers more parameters beside the sound, such as volume, panning and the delay after which to start playing it. Example:

using namespace std::chrono_literals;
if (cer::was_key_just_pressed(cer::Key::Space))
                                 /*volume: */ 1.0f,
                                 /*pan: */    0.0f,
                                 /*delay: */  0.8s // Start playing once 800ms have passed

Just playing a sound is often enough, especially for actions that happen once instead of continuously, for example explosions.

We can however obtain the virtual channel (of type cer::SoundChannel) that the sound is playing in after we start to play it. This is done via the cer::play_sound function. Modify our sound-playing code as follows:

if (cer::was_key_just_pressed(cer::Key::Space))
  cer::SoundChannel channel = cer::play_sound(sound);

Now the sound should be looping once you press the space bar. cer::SoundChannel provides many more methods such as modifying volume and panning, setting loop points and pause/resume controls.

A playing sound can always be stopped by using stop. If the sound should be stopped or paused after a certain time, use stop_after and use pause_after respectively.

Here’s an example:

// ...

It’s possible that your game may play too many sounds at once, in which case the audio engine will prioritize certain sounds over others (older sounds) and “cull” them. To protect a sound channel so that it won’t get culled, use the set_protected method.

Another case would be when there are so many sounds playing at once that some sounds are inaudible. The audio engine observes this and provides you with an option of what should happen with inaudible sounds. Use the set_inaudible_behavior method to specify this for a sound channel.

For music and ambient sounds, the cer::play_sound_in_background function is ideal. It plays a continuous sound with its volume set equally to all channels, and without panning. It also returns a channel so that you’re able to control its playback throughout the game.

That’s it so far! Thanks for reading the introduction and hopefully you’ll have fun creating your game, experiment or prototype with cerlib.

Please don’t hesitate to provide feedbackreport issues or even contribute.

More tutorials will follow soon.