cerlib uses its own platform-agnostic shading language.
It includes a hand-written, small and efficient compiler that translates its shaders to native shading languages such as GLSL, HLSL and MSL.
The language is designed as a C-like language with simple constructs. Its goal is to provide an easy to understand shading language tailored to cerlib’s domain, namely sprite shading.
The advantage of having a custom shading language is the ability to closely match it to what the library is capable of. Conversely, the library can optimize how shader data is stored and sent to the GPU, because it understands the language’s behavior and restrictions.
Users of GLSL, HLSL or MSL should feel familiar with the language.
Basic Syntax
Similar to C++, a function is defined in the form of:
Vector3 multiplyAdd(Vector3 first, Vector3 second, Vector3 third) {
return first * second + third;
Some rules for functions:
- Every function must return a value; there is no void type
- A function is allowed at most one return statement, which must be the last statement in its body
- Function parameters are immutable
- Function overloading is not allowed
- Every code block must be surrounded by { and }, even if it contains a single statement
Comments start with //
. Multiline comments in the form of /* ... */
are not supported.
There are two ways to define a variable: mutable and immutable. Mutable variables are defined using the var keyword, while immutable variables are defined using the const keyword:
var a = 1;
a = a * 2; // ok: value of a can be changed
a += 2;
const b = 2;
b = b * 2; // error: value of b can't be changed
b += 3;
In either case, every variable statement has to be initialized with an expression, from which its type is deduced. There is no explicit type declaration for variables.
The prefixcer_
is a reserved prefix for built-in variables and may not be used as a prefix for identifiers.
Data Structures
A data structure is defined using the struct
// Definition:
struct LightingResult {
Vector3 diffuse;
Vector3 specular;
float intensity;
// Usage:
const result = LightingResult {
diffuse = Vector3(1, 2, 3), // initialize field 'diffuse'
specular = Vector3(4, 5, 6), // initialize field 'specular'
intensity = 7.0 // initialize field 'intensity'
When initializing a struct, all or none of its fields must be initialized. The following would therefore be not allowed:
const result = LightingResult {
diffuse = Vector3(1, 2, 3)
}; // error: missing initializers for fields 'specular' and 'intensity'
Whereas this would be allowed:
const result1 = LightingResult{};
result1.diffuse = Vector3(1, 2, 3); // error: 'result1' is immutable
var result2 = LightingResult{};
result2.diffuse = Vector3(1, 2, 3); // ok: result2 is mutable
If Statements
Use if
statements to conditionally execute a portion of code at runtime:
Vector3 someConditions(Vector3 v) {
var result = v;
const len = length(v);
if (len > 4.0) {
result *= 10.0;
else if (len > 2.0) {
result *= 5.0;
else {
result = Vector3(0);
return result;
Ternary conditional operators are also supported:
float max(float a, float b) {
return a > b ? a : b;
Loops can be realized using a for statement. A for loop requires a name for the iterator variable and a range in the form of <start> .. <endExclusive>
var sum = 0;
for i in 1 .. 4 { // i will be 1, 2, 3
sum += i;
// sum: 1+2+3 = 6
The iterator variable (in this casei
) is immutable.
Shader Functions
Shader functions are the main entry points in a shader and are always called main
Vector4 main() {
return Vector4(0);
There are special restrictions for shader functions. For example, a shader function must always return a value of type Vector4
, which is the output pixel color.
Using Shaders
The default way to use shaders is to load them using the single-string cer::Shader
constructor, i.e.:
auto shader = cer::Shader("MyShader.shd"); // Loads a shader from the asset storage
In this case however we’ll look at how a shader can be constructed directly from a C++ string. It’s as simple as:
auto shader = cer::Shader(myShaderName, myShaderCode);
Where myShaderName
and myShaderCode
are string object. The shader’s name is used to report it in compilation error messages. If the constructor did not throw an exception, the shader was compiled successfully and is ready for use.
A shader can declare parameters that are accessible to all functions within it, for example:
Vector3 someColor;
float intensity = 1.0; // Assigning a default value
Vector3 someFunction(Vector3 value) {
return value + someColor;
Parameter declarations may optionally assign a default value. If no default value is specified for a parameter, it receives a zero-value. Meaning that a float
will be 0.0
, a Vector2 will be Vector2(0, 0)
, a Matrix
will be all zeroes, etc.
Supported parameter types are:
The compiler will optimize any unused parameters away.
Parameter values
To set parameters on shader objects, call the Shader::setValue
myShader.setValue("baseColor", cer::Vector3{1, 0, 0});
myShader.setValue("intensity", 2.0f);
The method has overloads for each parameter type. When attempting to set a value that is incompatible with the parameter type, an exception is thrown.
Conversely, shader parameter values can be obtained using the Shader::*value()
auto baseColor = myShader.vector3Value("baseColor"); // Option<Vector3>
auto intensity = myShader.floatValue("intensity"); // Option<Float>
The value of a parameter is always part of a shader object’s state. This means that shader parameters can be updated even when a shader is not actively used.
Array parameters
It is possible to declare array parameters for scalar types using an array specifier:
// Arrays must always have a known size at compile time.
Vector3[12] someArrayOf3DVectors;
// Expressions may be used as an array size, but are required to be known at compile time.
const someValue = 4;
const someConstant = 12 * someValue;
float[someConstant + 2] someArrayOfFloats;
Setting array parameter values are also modified using the setValue()
method. Arrays are specified as Span
myShader.setValue("someFloats", { 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.25f, 5.0f });
Shading Language Reference
The following table describes the syntax of the shading language.
Construct | Form | Example |
Function parameter | <type> <name> | int a |
Function signature | <type> <name> '(' <parameter> (',' <parameter)* ')' | int add(int a, int b) |
Function body | '{' stmt* return_stmt '}' | { return a + b; } |
Function | <signature> <body> | float pow(int x) { return x * x; } |
Shader parameter | <type> <name> | float some_parameter |
Array type | <type>[<size>] | Vector2[10] |
Type | Description | C++ equivalent | Can be array |
bool | Boolean true / false value | int32_t | ✅ |
int | Signed 32-bit integer | int32_t | ✅ |
uint | Unsigned 32-bit integer | uint32_t | ✅ |
float | 32-bit floating point number | float | ✅ |
Vector2 | 2D floating point vector | cer::Vector2 | ✅ |
Vector3 | 3D floating point vector | cer::Vector3 | ✅ |
Vector4 | 4D floating point vector | cer::Vector4 | ✅ |
Matrix | 4×4 row-major matrix | cer::Matrix | ✅ |
Image | 2D texture | cer::Image | ❌ |
Struct fields
Name | Type |
x | float |
y | float |
xx | Vector2 |
yy | Vector2 |
Name | Type |
x | float |
y | float |
z | float |
xx | Vector2 |
yy | Vector2 |
zz | Vector2 |
xy | Vector2 |
yz | Vector2 |
zy | Vector2 |
xz | Vector2 |
xxx | Vector3 |
yyy | Vector3 |
zzz | Vector3 |
Name | Type |
x | float |
y | float |
z | float |
w | float |
xy | Vector2 |
xyz | Vector3 |
xxxx | Vector4 |
yyyy | Vector4 |
zzzz | Vector4 |
wwww | Vector4 |
The matrix type currently has no members.
Built-in variables
The following lists all variables that are always available within a shader.
Variable | Description | Type |
spriteImage | The image of the sprite that is drawn | Image |
spriteColor | The color of the sprite that is drawn | Vector4 |
spriteUV | The texture coordinate of the sprite that is drawn | Vector2 |
The following lists all available intrinsic functions.
Within this table the following names are defined as groups of types:
: Vector2 | Vector3 | Vector4Fto4
: float | Vector2 | Vector3 | Vector4FtoM
: float | Vector2 | Vector3 | Vector4 | Matrix
Function table
Name | Parameters → Return Type |
abs | Fto4 → Fto4 |
acos | Fto4 → Fto4 |
all | FtoM → FtoM |
any | FtoM → FtoM |
asin | Fto4 → Fto4 |
atan | Fto4 → Fto4 |
atan2 | Fto4 → Fto4 |
ceil | FtoM → FtoM |
clamp | Fto4 → Fto4 |
cos | Fto4 → Fto4 |
degrees | Fto4 → Fto4 |
distance | Fto4 → Vec |
dot | Vec → Vec |
exp | Vec → Fto4 |
exp2 | Fto4 → Fto4 |
floor | Fto4 → Fto4 |
fmod | Fto4 → Fto4 |
frac | Fto4 → Fto4 |
length | Vec → Vec |
lerp | Fto4 → Fto4 |
log | Fto4 → Fto4 |
log2 | Fto4 → Fto4 |
max | Fto4 → Fto4 |
min | Fto4 → Fto4 |
normalize | Vec → Vec |
pow | Fto4 → Fto4 |
radians | Fto4 → Fto4 |
round | Fto4 → Fto4 |
sample | (Image, Vector2) → Vector4 |
saturate | Fto4 → Fto4 |
sign | Fto4 → Fto4 |
sin | Fto4 → Fto4 |
smoothstep | Fto4 → Fto4 |
sqrt | Fto4 → Fto4 |
tan | Fto4 → Fto4 |
transpose | Matrix → Matrix |
trunc | Fto4 → Fto4 |
The following lists all available type constructors.
Type | Parameters | Effect |
float | int x | Cast x to float |
float | uint x | Cast x to float |
int | float x | Cast x to int |
int | uint x | Cast x to int |
uint | int x | Cast x to uint |
uint | float x | Cast x to uint |
Vector2 | float x, float y | x=x, y=y |
Vector2 | float xy | x=xy, y=xy |
Vector3 | float x, float y, float z | x=x, y=y, z=z |
Vector3 | float xyz | x=xyz, y=xyz, z=xyz |
Vector4 | float x, float y, float z, float w | x=x, y=y, z=z, w=w |
Vector4 | Vector2 xy, Vector2 zw | x=xy.x, y=xy.y, z=zw.x, w=zw.y |
Vector4 | Vector2 xy, float z, float w | x=xy.x, y=xy.y, z=z, w=w |
Vector4 | Vector3 xyz, float w | x=xyz.x, y=xyz.y, z=xyz.z, w=w |
Vector4 | float xyzw | x=xyzw, y=xyzw, z=xyzw, w=xyzw |